This book is usable only for graduates of the Crystal Rays method. In 2025, we will publish  "Crystal Rays Meditation - Theory & Sessions," which includes the techniques of the method in detail.

Self-improvement-Meditation-Creative vision

Blessing of the Earth

Author: Samie Cueva - Chris Cal

Absolutely Coincidental Pentacles (Quintrays)


HTML - Paperback 5,5'X 8,5' pages 316
Jan 4, 2022

ISBN: 978-618-5632-14-4

€8.99 HTML Colored interior

The effect of irrationality, "we decide and order," is weakened from one application to the next, more and more, nullifying the random and accidental and building on the predetermined that harmoniously combines with the desires of the Light Developer for prosperity.

As Esmeralda Salinas states in her book, "Critical Turn in the History of the Triarch World", the one who handles the light will not be threatened by the insidious plans of the New Order. The combination of the earth element with the dodecahedrons control points of the quintessence produces an impenetrable shield of protection. That is the Blessing of the Earth.

A complete analysis of all the equations needed to calculate the harmony governing the etheric ray with the elemental rays.

Illustrations of all solutions with the colored crystals corresponding to numbers.

This is a book for any visualizer who wants to apply quint-rays without being a complete Light Developer.